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Monday, July 30, 2007 ; 9:21 AM
-And Ash drifts off to lalaland...-
since the last post
wanna know whats happened ?
shhh...its a secret...
kk fine fine i'll tell u ....
nah i'm actully joking...
Loss of drive...
And a dire need to have fun with my bruddas....
But know what ???

Sunday, July 22, 2007 ; 9:10 AM
-And Ash drifts off to lalaland...-
As i sit at my table awfully tempted to read my newest editon of harry potter under myleft arm instead of doinf isfun i am faced with a decision...do i eat my chocolate bar anot ?

my small bar of twix sits right in front of me constantly shaking its delicious bottom at my face so i'll eat her all up...but no i got more self control than that....

and yes talking about self control...i've been smoke free for two days...but then again i seriously thinking if i should make it 3 ? talk about self control ...pfft !


Thursday, July 19, 2007 ; 7:17 PM
-And Ash drifts off to lalaland...-
too radical ?
i shall be
coz i know what i'm doing
and i dont quite give a shit what u think...

; 2:21 AM
-And Ash drifts off to lalaland...-

Your Brain is Red

Of all the brain types, yours is the most impulsive.

If you think it, you do it. And you can get the bug to pursue almost any passion.

Your thoughts are big and bold. Your mind has no inhibitions.

You tend to spend a lot of time thinking about love, your dreams, and distant places.

What Color Is Your Brain?

Too true

Tuesday, July 17, 2007 ; 8:09 PM
-And Ash drifts off to lalaland...-
Its day two of being lost in an island...I have just doscovered there is a peculiar breed of animals here they walk on two feet and some wear this transparent thingamajid over their eyes.I discovered them sitting in room with a white board and they have a peculiar habbit of using this thing that projects words onto a screen.Something they refered to as "A projector"(sharp intake of breath now)....And they all seem to lieten to a man named mr OH no no not mr AH ... and he is teaching something called bbfin...i'm spellbound.dumbfounded.stunned. At my new discovery ... i will observe the lesson and keep u updated later

till the red cows come flying home...


Monday, July 16, 2007 ; 10:29 PM
-And Ash drifts off to lalaland...-
Good afternoon ladies & gentlemen,boys & girls,moneys & monkey-ettes...

this is my very very first post on this blog...weeee...

aight..so here i sit in prsp class...

knowing nothing ... and staring blnkly at my tb!

eh clap lah...its an achievement

and instead of java-ing i'm blogging...

eh but prsp is fun dont u think ??


Person sleeping
A changed person

Sleepy Ramblings.

Sleepy people
tobie | erika | huibin | huipeng | surin
ahmad | will

Yesterdays dream
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007