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Thursday, August 30, 2007 ; 1:51 PM
-And Ash drifts off to lalaland...-
1. Smoke till u cant smoke no more

2. Drink till u cant no more

3. Dance till u cany dance no more

4.And when u can do no more...sleep at home for a day and repeat

5.maybe throw in the occasional work

6.And a class chalet

and tadaahhh !
my hols are done

Sunday, August 26, 2007 ; 9:15 AM
-And Ash drifts off to lalaland...-
oh wells
see the determination i started poly with ?
its evaporated ... like..hmmm
a glass of alchol after a stressed week !

oh wait..tts not evaporation
its drinking

aiyah nvm lah same same

and now after 1 week of study week(holiday preeration week)
i kinda know nothing

like really
i got isfun paper tml

and i'm like halfway thru with everything

Weee this isfun
is so fun

till i think i need a carton of panadols
eh my bdae coming right ?

Buy for me lah..


Monday, August 13, 2007 ; 8:44 AM
-And Ash drifts off to lalaland...-
hahaha i just realised i havent been blogging for like 2 weeks ah
thats a long time...
passed so fast
stress-ing lah school....
even more so this week....
monday --> cmsk convo (done !)
Tuesday--> Java submssion and lab test
Wednesday--> Finance Test
Thurs --> isfun bpm presentation
fun right !
apart from that life has been fun completing projects and doing school work...or wait did i mention that already ??
i did !
so well whats a better way to handle a problem than by taking it by the balls....
or wait....
was it horns ?

Person sleeping
A changed person

Sleepy Ramblings.

Sleepy people
tobie | erika | huibin | huipeng | surin
ahmad | will

Yesterdays dream
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007